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Clinical Cases: FenderMate Prime
Clinical Cases: FenderWedge
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Clinical Cases: Luxator LX
Clinical Cases: Calasept
Clinical Cases: ProxyPal


Clinical Cases: FenderMate

FenderMate is a pre-curved, one-piece sectional matrix and wedge that provides for quick, safe and predictable composite restorations, with a tight contact and cervical sealing. FenderMate is designed to be inserted either buccally or lingually. The matrix reaches from the base of the wedge to just above the occlusal surface. The side of the wedge facing the adjacent tooth has an angled wing. During insertion, the wing presses the matrix firmly against the preparation, giving a tight seal at the cervical margin. To form the contact point the matrix has a pre-contoured indentation, which mimics natural contours



Using FenderMate, Step by step

1. Insert FenderMate under the preparation with firm pressure and a slightly downward, curved movement.
2. Slide in the matrix until contact indentation of the matrix is in the optimal position with the adjacent tooth.
3. Insert either from the buccal..
4. or the lingual aspect.
5. Commence shaping with FenderMate still in place.
6. Remove FenderMate using tweezers or forceps.
7. Check for contact point.
8. FenderMate can easily be used with a rubber dam.



Wide boxes - free hand technique

This preparation provides a wide box. FenderMate creates good contact and prevents cervical overhang under the contact point yet provides excess material on the proximal, buccal side. Most excess material can be easily removed with a carver before curing and then shaped with a finishing diamond.


Medium sized cavity

FenderMate Regular Green is easily placed buccally using a slightly downward and curved movement to position the wing of the wedge under the level of preparation. The result is a good natural contact to the adjacent tooth and a tight cervical junction.  



Medium/Large sized cavity

FenderWedge Small/Orange placed from the buccal aspect gives good protection for fast and safe excavation. FenderMate Regular/Green placed in optimal position for good contact. Any little excess material in the occlusal part of the filling is easy to remove with finishing burs.




Amalgam fillings removed and replaced with composite

FenderMate Narrow/Light Green is used on these restorations due to narrow proximal space. 17 MO composite is completed and finished before starting with 16 DO composite. The final photo clearly shows the esthetic result of changing filling material.




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