Clinical Cases: Luxator LX
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Setting a new standard for trauma free extraction, the Luxator LX mechanical periotome offers improved safety, precision and access. Quicker extractions with minimal tissue damage, the Luxator LX Mechanical Peritome help access hard to reach areas for optimal access. The self directing tip allows the periotome tip to follow the root surface, reducing the risk of bone damage. With a reciprocating tip to enable a secure cutting of the fibers in a patient friendly way. The Luxator LX Mechanical Periotome will only cut when under pressure, which means no risk of slipping.
Insert the Periotome Tip into the handpiece, starting with 2mm tip. Activate the mechanical periotome and luxate at a low speed (2000 - 4000 rpm). Let the Periotome Tip work around the tooth to cut the periodontal fibers.Press firmly and follow the surface of the root.
Use a Luxator Forte to judge the actual status of the luxation. If necessary continue with Luxator LX. If entering is hard, try to get an access point with a Luxator Periotome and then continue the luxation work with Luxator LX. Remove the tooth with ordinary forceps or Luxator RootPicker. Successful extraction with minimal tissue damage.
Here is the short summary of typical extraction with Luxator LX.
1. A careful examination of the case is made, patient’s history taken, x-ray assessed.
2. A local anaesthesia is applied.
3. It is explained to the patient what he or she should expect during the procedure.
4. Luxator LX is used up to the point of resistance with medium speed all around the circumference of the tooth to cut
the periodontal fibres.
5. Luxator Forte instruments are used to loosen the tooth a bit more.
6. If the tooth crown is preserved, appropriate forceps are used, mainly for vertical lift of the tooth. If only a root remains,
special tweezers RootPicker are used.
7. If needed a proper excochleation and socket cleaning is performed.
8. Tamponade with gauze or an equine collagen plug is inserted.
9. A recall is made in a week.
Clinical Case using Luxator LX
by Dr Jure Poglajen
A patient comes to emergency after a facial trauma with multiple dental fractures. The clinical examination and x-ray show multiple facial fractures on tooth no. 11, 21, and 22 indicating their immediate extraction.Considering the young age of the patient (25 years) a prosthetic rehabilitation through implant will be suggested.
To preserve the vestibular bone which will influence the aesthetics of the implant, extraction will have to be as atraumatic as possible. Luxator LX has been used in this case because it does not damage the alveolar bone and saves precious time in case of extraction of multiple dental fragments which are difficult to access. After extractions of the dental fragments the alveolus are intact.
A bone filing and a collagen membrane are used to preserve the maximum bone volume. After stitching and applying a temporary prosthesis the patient is temporarily rehabilitated and the bone anatomy is preserved, facilitating the application of an implant.
Clinical case Luxator LX,
Service Odontologie - CHU NICE
Assistant Hospitalier Universitaire en Odontologie Section Chirurgie orale
Ancien Interne des hôpitaux de Nice
Attestation d’études approfondies en Chirurgie Dentaire
"The patient came to our clinic asking for a restoration for the upper right canine. Investigation and examination revealed that the tooth was not restorable and need to be extracted. To save the bone for immediate implant placement the extraction was performed using Luxator LX."
- Dr Mohammad Abu Alhaj, Jordan
History: 22 year old patient, in good health, reporting pain coming from 38 and spreading through the whole lower arch. The first panoramic picture shows compression of the mandibular nerve that touches the lower roots of 38. A second X-ray performed through Dental Scan shows the position of the nerve at the disto-lingual apex as confirmed by CAT.
Treatment: after exposing the 38 with an edge, the Sharpey’s fibers were cut using the mechanical periotome Luxator LX following the tooth circumpherence and luxating the periodontal ligament. The tooth was subsequently extracted using an elevator without luxating the surrounding tissues and, above all, with no damage to the mandibular nerve. The periapical X-ray shows how the Luxator LX blade - detached from the contra-angle to facilitate the X-ray – penetrates into the alveolus facilitating tooth removal.
After stitching and applying a temporary prosthesis the patient is temporarily rehabilitated and the bone anatomy is preserved, facilitating the application of an implant. Picture 7 shows the absence of root rests. The extraction was performed without sectioning/dividing the tooth. The periapical X-ray shows how the Luxator LX blade - detached from the contra-angle to facilitate the X-ray – penetrates into the alveolus facilitating tooth removal.
Atraumatic extraction of 38 through the mechanical periotome Luxator LX.
By Prof. Dr. Loris Prosper, DDS
Responsible Aesthetic Dentistry Division
San Raffaele Hospital, Milano ITALY
The patient presents a fracture root fracture in the middle third with a fistula on the vestibular side. Extraction is performed with Luxator LX by inserting the tip inside the alveolus to sever the periodontal fibers.
The extractions is atraumatic, without root or bone fractures as shown in picture 4, 5 and 6 and confirmed by X-ray. The bone is therefor well preserved, a necessary condition for successful implant placement.
Clinical case Luxator LX
By Prof. Dr. Loris Prosper, DDS
Responsible Aesthetic Dentistry Division
San Raffaele Hospital, Milano ITALY